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Our new enhanced benefits package offered jointly with SEYH is now available please download a brocure and form here
Objectives of Co-operatives Yorkshire and Humber
- Raise the profile of the co-operative sector
- Represent the interests of co-operatives
- Encourage mutual support, inter-trading and networking
- Share best practice, training and development opportunities between co-operatives within the region and beyond
- Strengthen co-operative endeavour by lobbying and working with local, regional and national organisations
Co-operatives YH is a co-operative company limited by guarantee with a democratically elected board drawn from member businesses and organisations, with a responsibility to represent and promote the sector.
The Board, which is elected at the Annual General Meeting, meets regularly to determine the strategy and activities of the organisation. The Board is comprised of individuals drawn from our diverse constituents – retail co-operatives, worker co-operatives, financial and housing co-operatives, co-operative development organisations and others.
A Development Partner
We welcome engagement with people and organisations who share similar goals and are willing to act as a partner in the future development and delivery of strategies for the region. Together, co-operatives and mutuals can exert greater influence to make sure they are considered in regional policy making.
Board of Directors
- Cheryl Barrott (Chair) - ChangeAgents
- Pete Teleha (Secretary) – SUMA wholefoods
- Rory Ridley-Duff (Vice-Chair)- Society for Co-operative Studies
- Alan Dootson (Treasurer) - Sheffield Co-operative Development Group
- Bob McAteer – South Yorkshire Credit Union
- Steve Thompson – North Regional Board, the Co-operative Group
- Jean Miller – National Guild of Co-operators
- Craig Lumsden - North Regional Board, the Co-operative Group and Phone Co-op
- Steve Wagstaff - Lizanthius Trust
- John Atherton (Co-operatives UK) and Linda Gomila (the Co-operative Group North Region) regularly attend Board meetings.
Funding Partners
Co-operatives YH is supported by the Co-operative Enterprise Hub. The Co-operative Enterprise Hub helps to support and develop new and existing co-operative enterprises. Its aim is to grow the co-operative economy, creating strong ethically-led businesses with a deep sense of social responsibility. For more information please visit